aAbout us
Company Profile
Jiangxi Kosin Frontier Technology Co., Ltd. is a large-scale enterprise. Specially in researching, developing and producing series of polyols chemical products and other organic chemical products.
Located in Yuanshan’gang Industrial Park,Dongxiang, Jiangxi Kosin Frontier Technology Co., Ltd lies in the heartland of Jiangxi province which has convenient traffic, rich human resources and abundant natural resources. As one of the five provinces in the middle part of China and semi-circular surrounded by some developed coastal cities and provinces just like Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and so on, Jiangxi is an ideal place for Chinese industrial transfer and a new round development of industry.
Jiangxi Kosin Frontier Technology Co. , Ltd.specially in researching, developing and producing series of polyols chemical products and other organic chemical products.
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Contact us
Marketing Director: Mr Roddy Luo
Cell Phone Number: (+86) 139 7945 0281
Overseas Sales Manager: Ms May Wong
Cell Phone Number: (+86) 182 7944 4658
Marketing Department E-Mail:jxkosin@163.com
Marketing Department Tel: (+86)794-7905593